Elevate Your Day with Andi and Brian Hale
Welcome. Elevate Your Day Podcast is our fun, morning show! This is Brian Hale and my wife and I have been in the media production and marketing business for 3 decades. Despite being around radio and streaming for so long, we never had our own morning show until now. We start off with a quick look at weather, what’s going on with Hale Multimedia, then we bring our our daily inspiration, before rounding off with This Day in History. We have a ton of fun, so we hope you will join us each M-F, right here on Digging Deeper.
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Hands and Feet Day 5 of 5
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
From Be the Hand and Feet by Nick Vujicic
Who did you bring with you?
Read by Andi and Brian Hale
I have this recurring dream that one day I will be standing before God, and He will ask me two questions.
The first: “Do you know Me?”
The second: “Who did you bring with you?
I think the first question is asked to establish a Christian identity. The second is to see if I’ve done what is the primary mission of all Christians on earth.
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them inthe name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
MATTHEW 28:18-19 ESV
In Matthew 28, the resurrected Jesus stood on a mountain in Galilee and commanded His followers to go forth and baptize all nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He also told us in Mark 16:15 to go into the world and proclaim the gospel to all of creation.
This direction from Jesus Christ, our risen Savior, is known as the Great Commission. I’ve made it my mission, and I encourage every Christian I meet and every church I visit to keep it as a central purpose each and every day.
God’s not interested in numbers. He’s interested in souls. I believe our primary mission as Christians shouldn’t be to build the biggest churches and pack them with believers. Our goal is to reach the lost, the nonbelievers, and those who haven’t yet heard the good news.
Nonbelievers are not coming to church, so we must go after them. We have to provide them with the information, motivation, and inspiration each step of the way. We can’t just lure them in and then expect them to stay engaged. We must give them all the support and encouragement necessary to build a solid and lasting foundation of faith. We must help them stay on the path throughout their lives.
We need to give the Holy Spirit a chance to guide us. We are instruments in His hands. Instead of focusing on our differences, we need to unite on common ground. Jesus saved us. He is Lord. There are lost people out there. We need to join forces as Christians and find ways to reach out to those lost souls and save them. We must go out to the four corners of the world and make disciples of them all.
What is your church doing to make disciples? How would Nick’s call to live out the Great Commission change your day-to-day thoughts, words, and actions?
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Hands and Feet Day 4 of 5
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
From Be the Hands and Feet by Nick Vujicic
A Mission to Love
Read by Andi and Brian Hale
Sometimes nonbelievers are experienced at debating. They want to test the authenticity of your beliefs. For natural opportunities to tell others about Jesus, you have to be prepared and knowledgeable on some level.
At the same time, don’t be fooled into thinking that God cannot use you even if you lack understanding of all aspects in the faith. When we first find Jesus in our lives, we get fired-up to tell everyone. That fire sometimes fades if we feel the need to be perfect and all-knowing of Scripture before we can share.
My cousin Daniel and I have had many conversations about faith. He is one of the most knowledgeable, intelligent, and real people I know. And he always will tell you what he thinks. Some people debate because they like the debate. I don’t believe that’s Daniel’s reasoning. He thinks logically and asks why God doesn’t always show up at times we think He would, such as to alleviate famine and suffering.
Daniel always brings up some fantastic points. We enjoy talking even when it gets heated. Our conversations always end in a hug and European cousin kisses on the cheek.
Daniel’s brother has told me that the fact that God didn’t give me limbs is one reason my family has doubts about God’s goodness. My cousin can’t accept that a loving God would “leave” me, His devoted follower, without arms and legs.
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
JOHN 16:33 ESV
I’ve tried to explain that the Bible clearly shows that pain, sickness, disabilities, suffering, and death came in after sin was instigated by Satan himself. Our broken pieces, hurts, and shame can be turned to good by God the Redeemer. God often uses those things that once seemed terrible to help others see the true hope, joy, love, and peace we can have through Him, even amid the storms.
My mission is not to convert Daniel or anyone else. Instead, my mission is to love him and everyone as I encourage them to begin walking with Jesus. It’s not about failing Daniel; it’s actually about failing my heavenly Father when He says speak and I don’t. God’s love doesn’t change. All I want to do is serve Him and see others set free to find their true purpose, path, and freedom.
Who is one person in your life right now who needs to know about Jesus? How could you bring up conversation with him or her?
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Hands and Feet Day 3 of 5
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
From Be the Hands and Feet by Nick Vujicic
Read by Andi and Brian Hale
Inspiring others to become Christians requires reaching out and motivating people to think about the importance of God in their lives, but you have to be prayerfully wise about your communication. You have to adjust your approach to each individual because we all have different personalities and experiences.
Too many people have been put off by overzealous Christians who probably had good intentions but reached out with poorly conceived strategies. They may have come across as pushy or more concerned about their agendas than the feelings and beliefs of those they approached.
Others are praying for a revival. But as they are praying and waiting, they forget to do the basic thing God has asked of us—to tell others that He lives. We say, “God move.” God says, “I will move through you when you move.” I personally just want to fulfill the mandate to preach the gospel and see people come to Jesus, start an active relationship with Him, and become true followers of Him.
I believe all Christians have a responsibility to share their faith and bring others to Christ. His followers are, after all, “fishers” of men and women. We can’t just be passengers in the boat. We need to cast our lines, because there is an ocean of people out there who need the redemptive power of God’s love.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
When I told my Dad that I was writing a book called Be the Hands and Feet, he said, “People think evangelism is complicated, but it’s not complicated to evangelize at all. We should be ready to share our faith at any time, and it comes down to sitting someone down face to face and just being real. Tell them what does Jesus mean to you? How did your life change after meeting Jesus? Being a believer will show also with how one lives.”
Followers of Jesus need to be more than good and kind. We need to have powerful messages to share. My prayer is that you will find your own way to do that in a manner that best suits you and best serves our heavenly Father.
Have you ever been turned off by someone trying to “evangelize” you? What was it that didn’t resonate with you? What can you learn from that about how you share your faith?
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Hands and Feet Day 2 of 5
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
From Be the Hands and Feet by Nick Vujicic
Read by Andi and Brian Hale
My natural progression into serving as the hands and feet of Jesus included some early “walking around” Christianity—with a dog. Starting when I was seventeen years old, I would go out in my wheelchair to take our dog for a walk and strike up conversations with almost everyone I met. I don’t know whether it was the cuteness of our dog, Seth (a Jack Russell King Charles Cavalier mix terrier), or just me, but there always seemed to be plenty of folks who’d talk or converse while walking alongside us.
We’d talk about the dog, and if we’d never met, they’d often get around to asking how I’d lost my limbs. When I shared my story, they’d be intrigued or touched. These conversations sometimes led to discussions of faith. They wondered sometimes how I could have such a positive attitude, and I’d tell them I believed God created me for a purpose and that I’d put my faith in that.
Walking around, sharing my dog, Seth, and my faith, became a real passion for me. I’d leave the house with Seth and couldn’t wait to see who would come around the corner. After a while, I’d offer to share my story and my beliefs just about anywhere I went. I don’t remember being rejected by anyone, though there were probably some who took a detour when they saw me coming.
I tried not to be hard core or high pressure. I would just ask how they were doing, and after a few minutes of conversation, I might say, “Is there anything you’d like me to pray for on your behalf?” Most people appreciated the offer. Who doesn’t need a prayer now and then either for themselves or someone they care about? It’s like being offered a surprise gift by a stranger, and it’s even better than winning the lottery because the prize of prayer is everlasting!
but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,
1 PETER 3:15 ESV
As Christians, we have to be on our toes and ready to share our faith. Fortunately, I actually have a couple of toes, so that’s not a problem! The greatest way to demonstrate our faith is to live each day with strength, peace, love, and joy—even amid trial.
When have you been excited to share good news with someone else? What gifts has God given you to tell others about Him?
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
Hands and Feet Day 1 of 5
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
From Be the Hands and Feet By Nick Vujicic
Read by Andi and Brian Hale
You might be wondering, How can a person born without any limbs consider himself to be the hands and feet of Jesus on earth?
I agree, hands down, that this is a very good question. I asked myself the same thing many times as I was growing up. What purpose could God have for a man with no limbs?
These words from Saint Teresa of Avila have had a huge impact on me over the years:
Christ has no body but yours,No hands, no feet on earth but yours,Yours are the eyes with which he looks Compassion on this world.Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good, Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
This quotation provided one of the many steps I took to finding my purpose as an inspirational speaker and Christian role model who shares his faith with others. I can’t do everything, but I do whatever I can to compel people to fill God’s house. This is what we are meant to do as Christians.
The truth of who we are is how we live day to day. If you want to influence others, the most important thing you can do is be a living example of the principles, ideals, and faith that you advocate. The best way to share your beliefs with others is to live according to your faith when you are under pressure, when challenges arise, and even when life seems to be piling one hardship upon another on you.
Those around you watch and take note of how you respond to life’s toughest times. They observe how you love and treat others. They judge your authenticity by whether you live up to your claims when the dark days descend.
That doesn’t mean being positive just for appearance’s sake. It means drawing strength from deep within and, rather than wallowing in despair, taking one step at a time in positive directions.
You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
It took me years of depression and even suicide attempts before I understood that I was not God’s mistake but that God had a purpose for His “perfectly imperfect child.” You are a part of God’s plan too. And He calls each of us to be His hands and feet on earth.
What does it mean to be God’s hands and feet? What would that look like in your life today?
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Elevate Your Day : Feb 8 2024
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Welcome, it's February 8, 2024 and we're here to Elevate Your Day!
This is Brian Hale and my wife and I have been in the media production and marketing business for 3 decades. Despite being around radio and streaming for so long, we never had our own morning show until now.
We start off with a quick look at weather, what’s going on with Hale Multimedia, then we bring our our daily inspiration, before rounding off with This Day in History.
We have a ton of fun, so we hope you will join us each M-F, right here on Digging Deeper.
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Elevate Your Day : Feb 7 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Elevate Your Day with Andi and Brian Hale
February 7, 2024
AI Transcription by FREE MP3 to TEXT
Oh, good morning. Good morning. How about that? It is what? February 7th, 2024 and it's time forElevate your day, which is the buzz our devotional and this day in historySo let's get going on the buzz and that is what we have going on at hail multimedia what we're going to be working onSo what's your day looking like? Well, I received a call yesterday from Taylor museumsAnd I've got the go ahead to finish that up andAnother job for them. I'm gonna create them a logo. So I'm gonna make making a logo todayThat's in Loop County, NebraskaTaylor museums yeah the town of Taylor if you've everBeen up in those parts and you've seen those cut out people the villagers. Yes, that's the townWhere you where you see those yeah, so it was pretty fun pretty fun, and there's a story behind thatSo Andy I'm sure you're gonna have a beautiful website you got to go ahead on the look and just putting it togetherAnd so you're gonna finish up the logo and launch that babyYep, probably by the end of the week super. What do you have? I have Troyer auctions talk to Harley Troyer yesterdayThey've got a sale coming up actually two sales. Yeah, he sells horses. He's an auctioneerThat's been doing this for over 40 years. He has two sales coming up the one we're really working on right nowIs that mile high select sale at mile high select sale calm another website that we did did I do that or did you?I think we worked on that one together. All right, so go to mile high select sale and see a collaborative effort thereYes, we also worked very closely with mr. Troyer with a back end where he can control everythingAnd in fact if you're looking for a site for an auction or for a fundraiser or for your business of any kindWe've been in the business for 25 years. So that's why we're telling you what we have going on today here at Hale MultimediaOver a thousand website projects in 25 years. So we're keeping busy. Oh, yeah, but that's it for our website workAnd I'm sure we're working on a lot of other things tooPodcasting is going crazy and speaking of podcasting we have our daily devotional nextSo if you're listening to this segment and you want to hear that make sure you jump on over or continue on with elevate your dayWe're on day three of let go of the guiltYeah, that's from Valerie Burton. Yes, she says stop beating yourself up and take back your joyHow do you do that? Well yesterday?We said you need to pinpoint the guilt trigger. Ah, yes, we did today you need to examine your thoughtsOkaySo our title is what matters to you?Yeah point here is examine your thoughtsWe can declare our values and rattle off an impressive sounding list in conversation with othersBut the true test of our values is easily revealed in what we choose to do every dayHmm you live your values even if you don't know what your values areValues are an expression of what you really believeWhen you put your phone down to look your loved ones in the eye and talk to themIt is an expression of your valuesWhen you scroll your social media feed while your loved ones are trying to talk to youIt is also an expression of your values guilt ensues when our values are out of alignment with our actionsWhen your actions do not line up with what you say is importantYou must reckon with the fact that in that moment your values are a lieIt is that lie that creates the guiltBut what if your values aren't even your values? What if the values were told to you?What if you've adopted others values and never stopped to really question whether you agree with them?That's an excellent pointOwning your values means accepting the fact that you might be different from those around you and not feeling guilty about itYour values guide your thoughts decisions and actionsThe process of letting go of guilt requires evaluating the origin of a thought by clarifying the value that created itMmm when you recognize you're holding on to values rooted in beliefs that are unhealthy unhelpfulAnd in some cases spiritually misguided you can let go of false guilt and embrace authentic values that reflect the life of joy and freedomThat you want without apologySelf coaching can help you figure out which values drive your guiltUsing powerful questions to peel back the layers to find the values that lead to your thoughtsWill help you determine what core values you really want to hold on to?And what values you need to adjustAsking questions helps you identify false assumptions and even faulty information that is driving your thoughts and feelings of guiltEven though your thoughts may be honest that doesn't necessarily mean they are trueQuestioning your thoughts helps you determine if your value is based on truthFinally brothers whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is just whatever is pureWhatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praiseThink about these thingsPhilippians 4 8 as you clarify your values as you clarify your valuesYou can own them as you see the truth in what you valueYou can articulate what you believe make decisions accordingly and shed the guiltMm-hmm when you take a stand and reject guilt for things you know are right for youYou own your own valuesWhen you find yourself feeling defensive or guilty about something because someone else thinks it's what you should doBut you don't pause and examine your thoughtsAgain use that peel method to uncover the truth about your own valuesOwning your values is empowering and freeingDon't miss it slow down and really get thisTake a deep breathPray for clarity and courageAnd then watch the confidence that comes in truly becoming who you areBecause you are someone who understands their values their expectations of themselvesTheir boundaries with others and the power of god to move when they operate in faith instead of fearHow do your actions reflect your values?Mm-hmmWhat can you do to define and adjust your values so that they are based on truth?And how can prayer and the power of god through his word and the Holy Spirit help you establishauthentic values and walk in faith instead of fear?Well true values are based on his wordNot necessarily on what your family believes soOwning your own values is by studying yourselfAnd that's how you can establish your values because your values are rooted in truth the word of godLord we pray for clarity and courageAnd the confidence to know who you areWe pray to understand humilityVersus boldness so that we may represent youWell in your kingdom valuesMm-hmm, Lord help us to do our ownStudy into your word and reach deep into our hearts our minds and our souls to plant our valuesIn your word, Lord. We love you and we thank you for this devotional todayJesus name would pray. AmenWell today's February 7thLet's dig in here and see what we can find in 1882 bear knuckle boxing endsThe last officially sanctioned world heavyweight bear knuckle boxing championship was fought in Mississippi between John LSullivan andPatty Ryan Sullivan known as the Boston strong boy won the fight. He had a better name later on he became the first heavyweightChampion of gloved boxingThat's where you remember the name John L Sullivan and he held the title for 10 yearsWow, that's a long time for a boxer, isn't it? Put the gloves on. Yes, that's trueThere's that 1940 thing if you're not lying to me talk about it. Yeah, 1940 panochio premieres on the big screenAh, Pinocchio. Yeah. Well, your nose didn't get big so I guess you were telling the truthI was I was Pinocchio premieres in 1940 on this day in history1942 the auto makers were ordered to join the warInteresting the government made it easier to comply by guaranteeing auto manufacturers profits regardlessOf the cost of production throughout the year so they bought him off said you're gonna be working on the war1962 John F Kennedy begins the blockade of Cuba by banning all Cuban imports and exportsWell, you know, you'd think that would be a good move, but that made a lot of people messed upIt did. I think it started the fight didn't it? Yeah, yeah when you when you have peopleThat can't have their Cuban cigars. They go nutsThat's right, but anyway, sorry to our cigar smokers out there, but I think it's sillyIt is1974 the symbionese libertarian army claims responsibility for the kidnapping of patty herstAlso, none is the SLA they used her to rob banks named her be the face of itso it wasquite theSame year same day in history mill brooks western spoof film the blazing saddles premieres. Yeah1985New York, New Yorkbecomes the official anthemNew York CityWell one year before that umThis day in history in 1984 the first untethered spacewalkDude was out there with a backpack of jetpack on yeahYeahThought he was George was he I can George Jetson. Yeah, I can believe that I can believe thatI can believe that we could be flying around in space with the space pack in the lower-earthAtmosphere, I can believe that right right before I can believe that we actually walked on the lunar yes surfacein 1995Shania Twain released her album the woman in me that was billboard number one in1996 I had one of those that had like four or five number onesAnd now in more modern day history in2013Mississippi becomes the last state to officially certify the 13th amendment in2013 wow the 13th amendment was that which outlawed slaveryAnd it took them until 2013 to get that signed huh?They had originally formally ratified the amendment in 1995What other kind of days do we have today?It is national rose day stop and smell the roses peopleJust don't get too close because they have thornsEvery rose has its thorn that didn't debut today did it noGoing back to 80s musicAnd it's also national greeting card daySo send a card to a friend and actually that fits in with our theme of mental health awarenessWe want to always make sure that we reach out to our friends moreThan we have been because you just never know when you could make the difference in somebody's dayBetween life and death. I've always said that if you feel the prompting to call somebody orYou haven't thought about somebody for a while and all of a sudden you think hmm. I wonder how they're doingI should find outThen maybe you need to do that before you forget. That's the holy spirit telling you somethingJust like our devotional said take action. Yep take action. All right and our foodNational feta cheany alfredo dayYum yum. It's one of our favorite dishes. Yeah, we have a pasta family here. YepAll right. I think that's gonna do it for our elevate your day, isn't it? It is all rightHopefully we're able to do so for you out there. Thanks again for listening. I'm brianAnd I'm andi. May god bless
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Elevate Your Day : Jan 29 2024
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Welcome. Elevate Your Day Podcast is our fun, morning show!
This is Brian Hale and my wife and I have been in the media production and marketing business for 3 decades. Despite being around radio and streaming for so long, we never had our own morning show until now.
We start off with a quick look at weather, what’s going on with Hale Multimedia, then we bring our our daily inspiration, before rounding off with This Day in History.
We have a ton of fun, so we hope you will join us each M-F, right here on Digging Deeper.
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Elevate Your Day : Jan 24 2024
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
SHOW NOTESGood morning.Good morning.Yeah, it's January 24th.2024, we got 1 2 4 2 4 going on.So today I'm going to be working with Trevor Ranchto get them started on their new website.And I helped Western Trail Horses get some new photos upand got their line to add new sail horses.Mm, and Trevor is at Horses and Cattle, right?They do both Horses and Cattle, yes.Mm-hmm, and they're in Nebraska.And you have Western Trail Horses in Colorado.Yes.All right.Our no-till conference just wrapped up in Kansas today.I'm sure we'll hear from those guys in a future interview.What else have you been doing?Well, we're transitioning our Horseman's Corner, Cattleman'sCorner, and Harvest USA programs into Podbean for extendedinterviews exclusive to the web.Neat.Yeah, so we're going to have exclusive contentover there on Podbean.So look for that pretty soon.And you're also getting ready for the program Friday, right?Yes.So I'm going to be researching some topicsto see what everybody wants to hear about.Is about a dangling participle.No.I'm just wondering because that is, you know,it may be.Kind of sound like it was dangling.So if you want to suggest content to us,you can email diggingdeepherus.gmail.com.Or you can message the Digging Deeper TV Facebook page.Yeah, great.All right.So that's what we have going on right now here on Wednesday.And now I think it's time to move on into our daily devotional.Yes.We are on day three of Unshaken.Discipline today.So far we've had identity and faithfulness.Correct.So today is discipline.This is from Unshaken on you version.Then Daniel said to the steward whom the chief of the Unixhad assigned over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishaiah, and Azaria.Test your servants for 10 days.Let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink.Then let our appearance and the appearance of the youthswho eat the king's food be observed by youand deal with your servants according to what you see.So he listened to them in this matterand tested them for 10 days.At the end of 10 days, it was seenthat they were in better appearance and fatter in fleshthan all the youth who ate the king's food.So the steward took away the food and the wine theywere to drink and gave them vegetables.As for these four youths, God gave them learning and skillin all literature and wisdom.And Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.At the end of the time, when the king had commandedthat they should be brought in, the chief of the Unixbrought them in before Nebuchadnezzar.And the king spoke with them.And among all of them, none was found like Daniel, Hananiah,Mishaiah, and Azaria.Therefore they stood before the king.And in every matter of wisdom and understandingabout which king inquired of them,he found them 10 times better than all the magiciansand enchanters that were in all his kingdom.That was in Daniel 1, 11 through 20.I always wonder sometimes if Daniel's friends gave into the culture at some point, because by the timethey're in the furnace, they're no longer Mishaiah,Hananiah, and Azaria.Those are the Greek names.Daniel's is the only one that continued to be called Danielall the way through.Good question.I don't know.Daniel and his friends, Hananiah, Mishaiah, and Azaria,also known as Shadrach, Mishaiah, and Abednego,had to go through an intense training of Babylonian culturethat lasted three years.The discipline found within their studying also echoedwithin their spiritual life.In response to the king's orders, they willingly did a 10 dayfast of only eating vegetables and water.They went in not knowing what God would do,but believed that God could do abundantly moreif they chose to honor him.In Matthew 1820, we're reminded,for where two or three are gathered in my name,there I am among you.These four friends exemplified what it means to truly be anchoredin who they are.They visibly displayed that God was on their side,and as a result of their risky faith,God honored them with visions and dreams of all kinds.God gave knowledge and understanding in naturaland supernatural ways.Results do not happen overnight.It often requires discipline.In weight training, it's a painful processas old muscles are torn down and new muscles are rebuilt.In these verses, we see four friends go throughdisplaying great discipline together.Additionally, they held each other accountableto their true identity as people chosen by God.As a result, God provided a unique favor and anointing.Mm-hmm.Maybe something to think about.What area of your life do you need more discipline?Over the next seven days, consider embarking on a fast.That's something that our pastor has also asked us to do.Ask God to help reveal ways to develop more disciplinewithin your life.Discipline is kind of hard to obtain.I mean, it takes work.Discipline usually includes sacrifice,and that is the first step towards gaining anythingin God's favor, is we must first give up something.Right.So he gave us the ultimate sacrifice.We should have a little discipline to give himour first fruits and to fast and to do these things for him.We should all be able to, but it's tough.It is.So hang in there as we go seven more daysthrough this 10-day devotional.Dear God, thank you so much for the reminderthat we need discipline day in and day out,little things and big, but Lord, especially in the small things,help us to be disciplined and true to you.In Jesus' name we pray.Amen.So besides that great devotional thereand the discipline we need,what else happened on this day in history?Oh, we've got an assassination to start off with.Huh?Way back.Way back.That was 41 AD.Probably not even in the way back machine.I doubt it.Yeah.In the year 41 AD, Caligula is assassinated.Well, this Roman emperor had become a little too,let's say cocky.He referred to himself as a god and called himself Jupiter.His society was mixed with sadistic cruelty,lavish extravagance and sexual perversion.Mm-mm.He was stabbed to death by his fellow guardsmen.In 1848, the gold rush begins.James Marshall found gold at a Sutter's Mill in Coloma,California, while Marshall and Sutterattempted to keep the discovery quiet.News of it quickly spread.Oh, those newspaper people.A newspaper publisher in San Francisco named Samuel Brannonopened a store selling prospecting suppliesand then published the discovery.Over 300,000 people flocked to San Franciscoin hopes of striking it.The gold rush, yes.1908, the boy scouts are organized.British Army Lieutenant General Robert Boden Powellstarted the boy scouts after his military manual,AIDS to scouting, was widely popular.Really?He opened a scouting camp the year beforeto test his ideas about scoutingand published Scouting for Boys,which became one of the best selling booksof the 20th century.And in 1922, it was the Eskimo Pie invention.I thought that was pretty cool,but what was really strange about this one,in this invention, the Christian Kent Nelsoncame up with this Eskimo Pie.First of all, he wasn't an Eskimo.Yep.Second of all, he was in Iowa.I was.I was.But everybody loves an Eskimo Pie every once in a while.Yeah, oh yeah, but Iowa has a reputationfor being cold.Cold was ice cream.In 1946, first UN resolution is passed.Oh yeah, that was a UN Atomic Energy Commission.Oversea international development of atomic energy.And you were pointing out to me that every daywhen you scroll through these things,every day there's in some year,there's some nuclear test going on out in Nevada.Anyway, let's get past the nuclear stuff.Don't wanna scare you with that.How about this scary salary in 1950?Jackie Robinson got the highest salary ever paid to anyone.In 1950?Yeah.Jackie Robinson, you know the first black Hall of Famerin 1962, the 12 years later on the same day,Jackie Robinson was paid $35,000 in 1950.He was a true legend.As the highest paid player at the time.And a real friend and a real man.Right.And then all the way to 2003, right?Yeah, the Department of Homeland Security Openswas created in response to the September 11th taxand incorporated 22 agencies.That included the US Customs, Immigration, Naturalization,Transportation Security, and FEMA.Yeah, and several others, 22 agencies in total.Yeah.Okay, and our last thing here is 2006,Disney buys Pixar for $7.4 billion,2006 on the stain history.That was crazy.Pixar was the company that Steve Jobs createdwhen Apple fired him in 85before he came back in 97.While he was away,he just created the largest movie studio coolest thing ever.He did.Yeah.Today is Global Belly Laugh Day.Okay, let one rip.Let it rip, man.I'm not a big laugher from my belly.
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Elevate Your Day : Jan 23 2024
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Welcome to January 23rd, 2024!
Elevate Your Day Podcast is our fun, morning show!
This is Brian Hale and my wife and I have been in the media production and marketing business for 3 decades. Despite being around radio and streaming for so long, we never had our own morning show until now.