
Friday Mar 07, 2025
Hide and Seek
Friday Mar 07, 2025
Friday Mar 07, 2025
Hide and Seek
From The Game Of Life by Dacia James Lewis
“. . . Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred. Ready or not, here I come.”
That was the indicator for every player to expedite their plan and be securely tucked away in the best hiding place so that they are not found by “it” (the seeker). You know the game. Hide and Seek! The human scavenger hunt that every adolescent loved to play.
Does it ever appear to you that God is playing a game of Hide and Seek? When you are faced with insurmountable disappointments and begging God for clarity, does it feel like He has found the best hiding place ever? I don’t know about you, but there have been times during my waiting season when God’s presence appeared to be nowhere in sight. It felt like He was playing a Divine game of Hide and Seek if you will, and the more angst I was about a situation, the harder it was to find Him.
It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out. – Proverbs 25:2 ESV
With minimum words of confirmation, we can easily misconstrue God’s silence for absence. The truth is, God longs to be sought out and it is in our wholehearted pursuit that God reveals Himself. Sometimes it’s as easy to find God as seeing a hider’s feet sticking out from behind the curtain. Other times it takes a while to find God, not because He doesn’t want to be found, but He wants us to dig deeper.
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. – Jeremiah 29:13 ESV
Essentially, every hider in the game wants to be found. It is the very essence of the game. God wants to be found; and just like a snicker or giggle in the game of Hide and Seek that exposes a hider’s whereabouts to the seeker, God always makes Himself known. When you don’t hear Him, when you don’t see Him, when you can’t feel Him, perhaps it is time to jump in a game of Hide and Seek with the Master, watching and waiting for Him to reveal Himself to you.
But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul. – Deuteronomy 4:29 ESV
In your wait . . . release the weight of uncertainty. Seek God with all your heart. He will make Himself known.
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. – Matthew 7:7 ESV
Father God, when I can’t find You, remind me of Your steadfast and immovable spirit. When I am faced with the uncertainty of Your presence, show me that You are near. Your Word says that when I draw near to You, You will draw near to me. Therefore, I commit to seeking You with my whole heart. I will consistently ask You for Your guidance. I will diligently seek Your ways. I will persistently knock on Your door until You answer with Your plans or Your presence. God, I make You my quest and I will pursue You today, and every day of my life. Amen.

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Tug of War
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Tug of War
From The Game Of Life by Dacia James Lewis
Most people assume that Tug of War is a sport that only requires power and endurance, but in actuality, it is a technical sport requiring mechanics and strategy to be effective. This is executed with the help of what is known as a driver. Though not actually in the game, the driver directs their team on the exact moments to “pull” and exact moments to “hang” to prevail in victory.
When the driver notices that the opposition is attempting to pull, they call it a “hang.” The command “hang,” also synonymous with the command “rest,” may insinuate an order to chill out, disengage, or release the stance, but it is quite the contrary. The driver calling for a “hang” instructs the team members to stand in place, drop their center of gravity, and hang tight using their weight as an anchor. Feet are planted into the ground and there is limited movement. This tactic is used to wear down the opposing team in their pull efforts by providing resistance. It is the idea of a relentless refusal to be moved by the fight in front of you. The combined weight and resilient effort in a “hang” state provide stabilization that makes it hard for the opponent to get the upper hand. The hang is the equivalent of being rooted, unshaken, or immovable despite the onset of attacks coming at you.
Contrarily, the driver can call for a “pull” in the game of Tug of War which prompts the team members to dig in their heels and collectively power walk backward without surrender. This is executed by a coordinated, all-out effort to dominate the opposing forces.
When life hits hard, God calls for us to tighten our grip and pull with all of our might, resisting the urge to let go of our rope—hope. The good news is that we are not pulling alone. The Lord has sent us a host of angels to help tow the load and fight with us.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. – Psalm 32:8 ESV
While waiting, there will be times when we must remain steadfast in our situation (hang) and times when we must pursue our destiny with full force while hauling the weight our adversary loads on us (pull). In either case, we can’t do it alone, so our best option is to cling tightly to the directions of our Driver—God. He has the big picture in His view and will give us the command to secure the victory.
And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. – Isaiah 30:21 ESV
In your wait . . . release the weight of control. Allow God to direct you on when to strengthen your spirit in pursuit and when to rest in His promises.
Father God, You are my Helper. Order my steps and make clear the direction in which I should go. Teach me to know when to fortify myself for the battle and when to rest in Your sovereignty. Amen.

Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
The Trust Fall
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Trust Fall
From The Game Of Life by Dacia James Lewis
Trust Fall is a game that many businesses, sports teams, and church organizations use to build trust amongst their members and teammates. One person crosses their arms over their chest, closes their eyes, and blindly falls back with the hope that the person behind them catches them before they hit the ground. Whew! Just thinking about that gives me anxiety. Why? Because one bad experience with Peggy (at dance camp) and a bruised bum spurred my fear of playing this game. When yours truly finally stopped trembling and worked up the nerve to faithfully fall, good ‘ole Peggy got distracted and my behind was introduced to the gym floor. Since then, my trust falls have been limited.
Can you relate? How about this; have you ever eaten at a particular fast-food restaurant and suffered food poisoning? What are the chances that you return to that restaurant? Slim to none if you are anything like me, for fear that it will happen again.
I believe this holds in our daily lives. For many of us, the areas where we have been hurt or let down by others tend to be the areas where fear has settled in and planted its roots. We become demoralized at the thought of reliving a situation. From that moment on, hesitancy is incubated, and every step becomes a calculated move based upon the reasoning of our past experiences.
I know in the valley of my waiting season, the spirit of fear heavily kicked in after my miscarriage. The fear of having another miscarriage troubled my spirit. Not to mention, if the intense stomach pains of that incident were anything like labor pains, then I was petrified. That fear eventually paralyzed me and created apprehension in my pursuit of a family.
Another aspect of fear that can stifle our wait is the worry that what we are believing God for, will never happen. Again, this stems from our experience or lack thereof. If we have yet to see our promise manifest, it becomes difficult to envision it coming to fruition. The longer our desires tarry, the deeper the fears embed into our minds, giving way to hesitancy, resistance, and even hopelessness.
for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. – 2 Timothy 1:7 ESV
Fear comes boxed in all types of bows of deception that can stem from one unfortunate or unfavorable situation. God wants to untangle the fears that are choking your destiny. He wants you to lean back and to trust Him with your whole heart, and with each trust fall, you will gain more and more confidence in His security and faithfulness. Are you ready? Cross your arms, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and fall back into the arms of the Father. I guarantee He is a safe place to land. Trust Him.
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. – Psalm 56:3 ESV
In your wait . . . release the weight of fear. Trust God with your whole heart.
Heavenly Father, reveal any hidden fears that are lying dormant in my life so that I can surrender them to You. Lead me into a deeper place of trusting You with my whole heart. Amen.

Monday Mar 03, 2025
The Quiet Game
Monday Mar 03, 2025
Monday Mar 03, 2025
The Quiet Game
From The Game Of Life by Dacia James Lewis
Who can remember a time in school when students got rowdy and a teacher said, “Ok guys, let’s play a game!” Excitedly the kids would settle down and prepare for some fun when the teacher continued with, “It’s called … the quiet game.” Moans and groans filled the room because we weren’t naive to this ageless trick which felt like more of a prank than a game. Regardless, there is no special technique or strategy to the game, just a competition of stillness.
We live in a chaotic world and with all the busyness that consumes our life many of us can use a little quiet. But, at the same time, there is something about involuntary silence that makes us uncomfortable. We have gotten so accustomed to the necessity of noise that stillness becomes an awkward disposition.
I see this flaw in its most heightened state during my prayer time. I find myself bringing a laundry list of requests, demands, and complaints to God without waiting in His presence to see if He has anything to offer me in exchange. And even on the days that I embrace the stillness of meditation, in less than no time, the silence is eventually filled with extraneous activities like picking lint off the floor or refolding a disheveled blanket. Before I know it, quiet time has been infiltrated by a full-blown to-do list lodged into my brain.
“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” – Psalm 46:10 ESV
God wants our undivided attention, but our hectic lifestyles can thwart the transmission line. Stillness, albeit uncomfortable, is necessary. Jesus understood the importance of this sacred time and often withdrew to a quiet place to commune with the Father. If Jesus needed this intimate time with our Father, I presume we need it too.
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prosper in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices! – Psalm 37:7 ESV
I am guilty of filling up my silence with busyness especially during difficult seasons of waiting. I would much rather occupy my time with insignificant activities than feel the frustrations of delayed promises. In those periods of waiting, our quiet time with God can feel uncomfortable because it forces us to face our disappointments and choose to rely on God’s presence for peace. But, the benefits of playing this game with God are insurmountable. In His presence, there is peace, joy, wisdom, strength, and strategy. We just have to sit there long enough to receive it.
For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. – Psalm 62:5 ESV
In your wait . . . release the weight of busyness. Quiet yourself in the presence of God and give Him time to respond.
And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. – Mark 1:35 ESV
Lord, I commit to rearranging my schedule so that I don’t forfeit my quiet time with You. Teach me how to prioritize my day, set boundaries on my time, and make You the center of my life. As I pray and meditate on Your Word, let my mind and heart be silent before You. Let Your peace calm the chaos that surrounds me daily. Let Your presence arrest me as I immerse myself in Your love. Amen.

Friday Feb 28, 2025
A Legacy of Faith
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Friday Feb 28, 2025
A Legacy of Faith
From Rahab, How God Uses the Unlikely on YouVersion
Rahab’s faith didn’t just transform her own life. Her faith created a ripple effect that shaped generations. She is one of only two women mentioned in Hebrews 11, often called the “Hall of Faith,” where she is celebrated for her bold trust in God. The writer of Hebrews highlights Rahab’s faith as the reason for her salvation, stating, “By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient” (Hebrews 11:31). James also commends Rahab, using her as an example of how true faith is demonstrated through action: “In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction?” (James 2:25).
Yet Rahab’s legacy goes far beyond these recognitions. Her faith and obedience not only changed the course of her own life but also influenced the trajectory of history. Through her family line came King David, one of the most pivotal figures in Israel’s history, and, ultimately, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world (Matthew 1:5–6). Her decision to trust God in a moment of uncertainty didn’t just save her life. Her decision became part of God’s plan for redemption, affecting countless lives for eternity.
This is the power of a life surrendered to God. When we place our faith in Him and walk in obedience, our actions can have an eternal impact, far beyond what we can see. Rahab’s story reminds us that leaving a legacy of faith doesn’t require perfection—it requires trust. God doesn’t use us because of our credentials or spotless records; He uses us because of our willingness to say yes to Him.
Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power. – Psalms 145:4 NLT
Her life challenges us to consider the legacy we are building. Are we living in a way that points others to God’s grace and power? Are we stepping out in faith, even when it’s uncomfortable or risky, so that others can see His work in our lives? Legacy isn’t about what we leave behind for others to admire; it’s about the spiritual inheritance we pass on and a testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness that inspires others to trust Him.
Rahab’s story also reminds us that no matter where we come from, what we’ve done, or how unqualified we feel, God can use us to inspire faith in others.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. – 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
Her past didn’t disqualify her; in fact, it became part of her testimony to God’s redeeming grace. Like Rahab, your obedience today can impact generations to come. It starts with one act of trust and is a step of faith that says, “God, I believe You can use me.”

Hale Ministries
Andi and Brian Hale have a long history of ministry service, including 20+ years for each of them as AWANA Leaders and Teachers. Andi directed the Zion Evangelical Church Choir for 10 years and is now on the Praise Team for the largest church in Texoma (North Texas and Southern Oklahoma). She has had the opportunity to sing and pray with Avalon and Casting Crowns and landed the lead role in GREASE (50+ version) as Sandy at Wichita Falls Backdoor Theater. Brian has a long history in the media, including Radio, TV, Newspaper, PA Announcer, Social Media and On-Stage in front of thousands. As website designers of more than 25 years, they are always eager to help answer any questions you might have.
Together, Brian and Andi are out to prove that you can still have fun in your 50’s in this crazy, upside down world we live in today, as long as we keep our focus on Him, the One who created us for a purpose!