A Legacy of Faith
From Rahab, How God Uses the Unlikely on YouVersion
Rahab’s faith didn’t just transform her own life. Her faith created a ripple effect that shaped generations. She is one of only two women mentioned in Hebrews 11, often called the “Hall of Faith,” where she is celebrated for her bold trust in God. The writer of Hebrews highlights Rahab’s faith as the reason for her salvation, stating, “By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient” (Hebrews 11:31). James also commends Rahab, using her as an example of how true faith is demonstrated through action: “In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction?” (James 2:25).
Yet Rahab’s legacy goes far beyond these recognitions. Her faith and obedience not only changed the course of her own life but also influenced the trajectory of history. Through her family line came King David, one of the most pivotal figures in Israel’s history, and, ultimately, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world (Matthew 1:5–6). Her decision to trust God in a moment of uncertainty didn’t just save her life. Her decision became part of God’s plan for redemption, affecting countless lives for eternity.
This is the power of a life surrendered to God. When we place our faith in Him and walk in obedience, our actions can have an eternal impact, far beyond what we can see. Rahab’s story reminds us that leaving a legacy of faith doesn’t require perfection—it requires trust. God doesn’t use us because of our credentials or spotless records; He uses us because of our willingness to say yes to Him.
Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power. – Psalms 145:4 NLT
Her life challenges us to consider the legacy we are building. Are we living in a way that points others to God’s grace and power? Are we stepping out in faith, even when it’s uncomfortable or risky, so that others can see His work in our lives? Legacy isn’t about what we leave behind for others to admire; it’s about the spiritual inheritance we pass on and a testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness that inspires others to trust Him.
Rahab’s story also reminds us that no matter where we come from, what we’ve done, or how unqualified we feel, God can use us to inspire faith in others.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. – 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
Her past didn’t disqualify her; in fact, it became part of her testimony to God’s redeeming grace. Like Rahab, your obedience today can impact generations to come. It starts with one act of trust and is a step of faith that says, “God, I believe You can use me.”